Saturday, March 5, 2011

Learning Curve

Another fun night of Warmachine Hordes at the Bunker.

First to arrive was Kim, Kei and Maybelle. Maybelle wanted to try her hand at Khador and had a 30 point match with Kei. I arrived around 615 pm. Their game was getting interesting where the armies were getting into engagement range when SJ arrived and so we got our match going.

SJ playe eMadrak with Mulg, Axer, Fennblades, Pyg Burrowers, Fellcaller, the tablet carrying 10 Commandments solo and another model or two. I ran my first game with Cryx using Venethrax, Seether, 2x Defilers, 1 Stalker, 3 units of McThralls, a Necrosurgeon and her Stitch Thralls and 2 Pistol Wraiths.

I got first turn and deployed my models. SJ deployed his. Before the game started, my list being a tier list allowed me to put 1 3" diameter cloud effect per unit in my army. This means I must put down 4 cloud effects and so I used them to block LoS.

In my first turn, I ran my units forward. Venethrax cast Soul Harvester on the first unit of McThralls and cast Lamentation and moved forward. Seether and the other jacks also just moved forward. Pistol Wraiths moved left.

In SJ's turn, he moved his infantry forward as well, buffing his Pyg Burrowers which promptly went underground. Mulg went onto the forested hill and the Axer moved beside it. He gave the Fenn Blades some protection by making succeessful melee attacks by warrior models against them would knock the attacker down.

My turn and Venny upkept Lamentation and Soul Harvester. I ran my Defilers forward. Venny then cast Hellfire on the Fell Caller Venethrax activated and killed it to prevent it from protecting the Fenn Blades. Second Defiler sprayed and killed 2 Fenn Blades. Pistol Wraiths tried to shoot at Mulg. First one was out of range and the second one flubbed the Death Chill roll.

SJ's turn was a big one. He killed quite a few McThralls with hie Fenn Blades Vengeance move though this meant corpse tokens on the Necrosurgeon. Then on his main activation, he killed quite a few more McThralls and both Pistol Wraiths while popping eMadrak's feat. His Pyg Burrowers killed off a Defiler and heavily damaged the other one and his Fenn Blades finished it off.

My turn saw me not upkeeping Lamentation, though I still upkept Soul Harvester. My first McThrall unit got me 3 corpse tokens as well as soul tokens. I then activated the Skarlock and put Soul Harvester on the second unit which netted me another one corpse and another soul. The Venny popped feat and moved and got 2 more corpse and soul tokens for a total of 6. The Fenn Blade unit he attacked also failed its Terror Check. Venny was now surrounded by 2 cloud effects protecting him by blocking LoS. I revived a couple of McThralls to boost the numbers on 2 of the 3 McThrall units.

SJ in his turn killed a few more McThralls which gave me a few more corpse tokens. All the models he killed also created a cloud effect which causes 1 point of corrosion damage. He bravely moved eMadrack up and camped 3 Fury with the Beasts not full.

My turn and the Soul Tokens I collected turned into focus and so Venny had 13 total focus. He then went on the attack using his focus to kill eMadrak by the 6th focus. It could have gone either way.

Venethrax wins by Assassination.

Second game summary to come later. For now, am off to sleep.

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