Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Death Couldn't Look This Bad Ass

I now present Scaverous, fully painted courtesy of Edward Fernando:

The detail on the model is amazing. There are skulls in his chest! The armor and weapon have lots of ridges and all. This is officially my favorite model in the Cryx faction, surpassing Venethrax.

He's also a big mother! Here's a pic of how big the guy is compared to Terminus, one of the largest models in the PP line:

Note Scaverous is on a medium base.

Games-wise, his spells are quite nice. This caster is a spell slinger definitely. Between Death Ward, Excarnate, Feast of Worms, Ghost Walk, Icy Grip and Telekinesis, he should give the opponent a hard time.

Hoping to use both Scaverous and Terminus on the tables soon.

Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Scaverous, Scaverous would you do the Fandango...

Thunderbolt and lightning
Very, very frightening me!


Friday, June 17, 2011


I unveil Terminus, Lich Lord of Cryx. One of the earliest Lich Lords of Toruk, he is now at Immoren leading the forces of Cryx in their assault on the mainland. Thanks to Edward "Emp" Fernando for his excellent job at painting him. Here he is in all his glory:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Improbable Dream - Update

Painting for a toutal of 15 and a half hours. Trolls just need to have their bases painted but the figs itself are done except for the armor washing. To wit:

The following models are done except for basing. I'll get to that later but the figs are done:

Resting at the moment. Confident I can field a fully painted army for the Call to Arms 2011 League. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Improbable Dream - Painting 24 Models in a Total of 24 Hours

Yes, 24 models in 24 hours total. I am joining the local Warmachine Hordes League and one of the bonuses is playing a game with a fully painted army. I had to paint 24 models the breakdown of which are as follows:

a. Slaughterborn
b. 16 Blood Gorgers
c. 3 Brute Thralls
d. Necrosurgeon and
e. 3 Stitch Thralls.

I focused on the Bloodgorgers first. I initially basecoated them with grey primer:

Then I went to Edward "Emp" Fernando's place for a couple of hours of painting because he had some paint I needed. I used Trollblood Base for the skin of my Bloodgorgers, seeing as they were Trollkin only under the wings of Cryx. They came out like so:

I finished painting the skin while at Emp's place. At the same time, I also painted the body of the Brutes and Stitch Thralls in Thrall Flesh. So total at Emp's place was 3 hours thereabouts. I had to pick up my kid from his school so I continued painting at home, putting Boltgun Metal on the armor of 7 models (Slaughterborn and 6 Bloodgorgers) as well as picking out some details for me to follow the next day. Came out like this:

So today I continued painting the models. The Trolls are almost all complete, to wit:

I also almost finished painting a Brute Thrall as well as did some work on the Necrosurgeon.

Here's a pic of Slaughterborn, almost done:

Basically a total of 7 hours for today. Not bad I guess for speed painting. Anyway, hope to finish everything by tomorrow by finishing the remaining Brutes and Necrosurgeon as well as Armor Wash-ing all the figs.

Anyway, until next blog.

PS Thanks to Emp for letting me use some of his paint.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New PAL additions

Added two new PAL planes to my fleet of diecast airliners. PPC brand from PAL Inflight Sales bought via my sister in law who came home from HK via PAL. Top is 1/500 scale A330 and the bottom is 1/400 scale PAL DC-3. Enjoy!

Lich Lord Convention

Had a Lich Lord Convention yesterday at Edward Fernando's (Emp) place. Me, Emp and Fred Escalona had a casual day of gaming yesterday. We started after lunch. I unfortunately arrived way past the 11 I promised because had to attend a Parent Teacher Conference at my sons' school and it had a nice seminar after the conference as well.

We had 3 games with Emp winning both his games against me and Fred while I won against Fred. Fred brought his buwaya army and it was an interesting take on a new Merc army. Very powerful army where the entire army can be taken down by the knockdown feat.

I played Venethrax and since Fred had a Hordes army, it was a bit in my favor because Venny excels at killing beasts. Venny took only 2 or 3 swings to kill a beast.

Against Emp's Terminus, it shows how hard it really is to take a camping Terminus down. Arm 24 is really difficult to break as I proved when Venny tried to charge him. I rolled badly also and that basically was the end of that as Terminus returned the favor in spades.

After the gaming day as well as discussing the current situation on the invasion, picture taking with the Lich Lords present. Until next convention (sabi daw Wed next week uli).