Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bringing in the Laughter in Slaughter


Among other new things, I got a model which I really required in my Cryx lists.Gen. Gerlak Slaughterborn has joined my undead army and will soon help sow terror among the souls in Immoren, humans and trolls alike.

Slaughterborn was one of the first models I wanted to get asap at Fortress when i got my Cryx army but unfortunately for me, someone got to him first. I ordered it in Mang's last call for orders and now he's finally with me. Might try my hand at painting him. Seems much easier to paint him compared to a regular Cryx model.

Here he is without paint for now. Thanks for looking!

Another member of my growing fleet

My third PAL plane. This time it's a 1/400 Gemini Jets PAL A340-300 courtesy of Kevin aka Debonaire at the Filipino Diecast Airline Collectors ( I wasn't really planning to get any jet after the 1/500 PPC PAL B777-300ER but the price was reasonable and no one bit after 24 hours.

The fleet grows. I think I should start thinking abuot making an airport. Heh!


Haven't posted in a while. Plain old laziness is my excuse. :D Anyway, here's something to maybe help get me going again. It's my model of Malice. I got the Reaper model from Edward "Emp" Fernando yesterday in exchange for my Stalker. Incomplete yet as I am missing the right arm of a Slayer and the harpoon arm's blade was broken. I will be ordering those from the parts store at Privateer Press soon. Also the shoulder spike on the left of the Reaper was lost as well so I added one of the soul's included in the Malice blister to replace it. Looks ok if I do say so myself.

Malice is one of the newer Cryx jacks. It can collect soul tokens which can actually add to the jack's armor. It has the usual Reaper harpoon and the ramspike of the Reaper was replaced with an open fist. It has other abilities as well but these are the ones that stand out for me. Surprisingly, it is not bonded to any Cryx caster unlike Torch and Triumph.

Like Torch, the Malice comes as a blister with the add-on and replacement parts only intended to be used with the plastic jacks. Personally I prefer my jacks in metal so as with Torch, I asked around for any Reapers available and it was great Emp had one he wasn't using. Originally he thought the arms and heads were pinned. Luckily it wasn't the case and the arms and heads were easily removed. With a little filing, I managed to position Malice's head and with some green stuff the souls. So now, it's only waiting for the arms.

Hope to order them soon so I can have a complete Malice on the table.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A New Addition

Aside from my Warmachine collection, I also collect diecast aircraft. Here's my latest addition, a Philippine Airlines 1/500 B777-300ER made by PPC. It's my second Philippine Airlines diecast aircraft but my first 1/500 scale model. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shanghai Nights

This is the second time I've been to Shanghai and so much has changed. The first time I went there was in 2004. 7 years later, everything is so different and yet a lot still looks the same. Here are some pics that I took.

A pic of Pudong from the Bund.

Here I am at Nanjing Road.

More shots of Nanjing Road.

The weather was really cold with temperatures ranging from 12-14'C during the day and plunging to 7-8'C at night. My kinda weather. I hope to go back again someday.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Warmachine-Hordes Nights at Bunker March 25. 2011

Had another Warmachine-Hordes Night at the Bunker last March 25, 2011. That would be the last WMH game I have because the whole week starting the 27th, I would be in Shanghai.

I played vs EJ in my first game and went up against his Retribution. Lost this one in the end as I only had a few models left and I couldn't kill enough of his models. I sort of made a mess with my feat turn but it's ok. Learning experience for me on how not to use one's feat though EJ did say timing wasn't so bad. It's just that Venny's feat can both be a boon and a bane for him.

Next game I went up against Louie's Cygnar. I fared better here only because of Louie's inexperience as he has only played a handful of games. I won by scenario in this one as I managed to kill off most of his army with only Stryker and Rowdy on the field in the end.

That night also heralded the return of Pork and his Ashlynn merc solo army. Am glad to see him on the tables again.

Looking forward to WMH Night this week though that's still a question mark since I also have that tourney on Saturday.

Anyway, picture up there shows me, Kim, Kei, Karl, SJ, Pork and Fred.