Saturday, August 25, 2007

Miniature Gaming

I'm also into miniature gaming. As a kid, I was always fascinated with model kits. Airplanes, tanks, cars but most especially ships. Wasn't too good at building them as I preferred playing them so they usually end up getting trashed. :D

Anyway, later on I got into Battlefleet Gothic which is a miniatures game set in space. Then I tried my hand at Warhammer 40k. These days though, I am heavily into Warmachine. It's a great game with a conitnuing storyline.
Warmachine is a game featuring Warcasters and Warjacks. Warcasters are sort of technological mages. They have spells to use and can control the Warjacks, which are huge mechanikal steam driven monstorsities, much like tanks although they are semi-sentient in that they have cortices through which the Warcasters exert their control.
There are four factions: Cryx, Cygnar, Khador and Protectorate of Menoth, each with their own unique culture and goals. Cryx is ruled by a dragon named Torluk and rules a land where the dead are restored to serve the dragon father. Cygnar is a democratic country (along with it's advantages and disadvantages) ruled by King Leto and the most advanced in terms of technology. Khador is a country resembling the old Soviet Union where everyone is expected to do their best for the Motherland. The Protectorate of Menoth is an offshoot of Cygnar. They broke off due to religious differences. The Protectorate venerates the god Menoth while Cygnar is more partial to the god Morrow.
There is a fifth faction and they are the Mercenaries. They can be played either stand alone or their models can be used to support the other four factions, depending on who they are allowed to work for.
There is also a sister game to Warmachine and it is called Hordes. Here it is Warlocks controlling Warbeasts. The rules are different but they can both be played against each other. The four factions there are the Circle of Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Skorne and Trolls. Their fifth faction are called Minions and are akin to Mercenaries.
I play the Khador faction. They are not so wise in the magical ways and they are not very agile. Their trademark though is that they hit hard and are hard to take down. I'll post some more about my faction and my army in the next few blogs.

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