Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Improbable Dream - Painting 24 Models in a Total of 24 Hours

Yes, 24 models in 24 hours total. I am joining the local Warmachine Hordes League and one of the bonuses is playing a game with a fully painted army. I had to paint 24 models the breakdown of which are as follows:

a. Slaughterborn
b. 16 Blood Gorgers
c. 3 Brute Thralls
d. Necrosurgeon and
e. 3 Stitch Thralls.

I focused on the Bloodgorgers first. I initially basecoated them with grey primer:

Then I went to Edward "Emp" Fernando's place for a couple of hours of painting because he had some paint I needed. I used Trollblood Base for the skin of my Bloodgorgers, seeing as they were Trollkin only under the wings of Cryx. They came out like so:

I finished painting the skin while at Emp's place. At the same time, I also painted the body of the Brutes and Stitch Thralls in Thrall Flesh. So total at Emp's place was 3 hours thereabouts. I had to pick up my kid from his school so I continued painting at home, putting Boltgun Metal on the armor of 7 models (Slaughterborn and 6 Bloodgorgers) as well as picking out some details for me to follow the next day. Came out like this:

So today I continued painting the models. The Trolls are almost all complete, to wit:

I also almost finished painting a Brute Thrall as well as did some work on the Necrosurgeon.

Here's a pic of Slaughterborn, almost done:

Basically a total of 7 hours for today. Not bad I guess for speed painting. Anyway, hope to finish everything by tomorrow by finishing the remaining Brutes and Necrosurgeon as well as Armor Wash-ing all the figs.

Anyway, until next blog.

PS Thanks to Emp for letting me use some of his paint.

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