Monday, April 4, 2011

Warmachine-Hordes Nights at Bunker March 25. 2011

Had another Warmachine-Hordes Night at the Bunker last March 25, 2011. That would be the last WMH game I have because the whole week starting the 27th, I would be in Shanghai.

I played vs EJ in my first game and went up against his Retribution. Lost this one in the end as I only had a few models left and I couldn't kill enough of his models. I sort of made a mess with my feat turn but it's ok. Learning experience for me on how not to use one's feat though EJ did say timing wasn't so bad. It's just that Venny's feat can both be a boon and a bane for him.

Next game I went up against Louie's Cygnar. I fared better here only because of Louie's inexperience as he has only played a handful of games. I won by scenario in this one as I managed to kill off most of his army with only Stryker and Rowdy on the field in the end.

That night also heralded the return of Pork and his Ashlynn merc solo army. Am glad to see him on the tables again.

Looking forward to WMH Night this week though that's still a question mark since I also have that tourney on Saturday.

Anyway, picture up there shows me, Kim, Kei, Karl, SJ, Pork and Fred.

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